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Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Sometimes life presents you with a series of experiences which conspire to weave darkness into your soul. The last year has been like that for me.

What has saved me and continues to save me from slipping into that darkness, is the simple observation of the practice of gratitude. In the midst of every living nightmare there is a way to anchor reality in beauty and not in the stagnant shadows.

Each day begins with a blessing, a prayer of appreciation for the greatest gifts in my life, the fact that I am still breathing, that I have another day on this earth, for my beloveds, for the roof over my head. It isn't always easy to practice such mindfulness but it is a very powerful transformative process.

It is always about the observation of the beauty in our lives. Even in the darkest of dark nights of the soul, there is light to be found.


Lakeland Jo said...

sometimes it is the sheer exhaustion of getting through another day that I find so difficult when I having tough times. At the moment I would like to lie on the sofa all day drinking pinot grigio watching daytime tv....

Unknown said...

Having woken feeling absolutely exhausted, Jo, I know how you feel. Sometimes when my client work for the day is over, I just sit in front of the tv with a lovely cup of tea - wine makes me even more tired at the moment - and goggle. My preferred mind washing is genealogy programmes such as "Who do you think you are?". They bring real human history to light and remind me how very fortunate I am to be living now. Of course, sometimes a good cry helps too! Endorphins in those tears.