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Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Today was a good day.
I celebrated the coming of the New Year with my parents, my youngest brother, my husband and our son. We raised our glasses at midnight and shared a few hours of laughter and love together.
My Dad and Mum are 85 and 79 respectively and this year saw major health challenges for both of them. What a joy to share another New Year with them in the knowledge that no matter what may come, the love that flows in this moment on this day can never be taken away from us. Our fears reside in the future and can often taint the simple pleasure of this present moment if we allow them too. I chose to be in this moment and to let tomorrow be what it will be.
My husband showed yet again what a loving, caring soul he is. I had offered to take my 88 year old Aunt to the airport at 6.30am for her return flight back to the States. As I had a really bad cold for weeks and was feeling a bit worn with a day of heavy duty cooking ahead, Jim immediately said that I should stay in bed and he would take her. My hero!!!
Our son spent the day running to and from my house to my parents, carrying dishes full of food, wine and a cornucopia of good things. He did it all with the best of grace, constantly checking in to see if there was anything else he could do for me. In between, he kept his little cousin entertained as he always does with the small children in the family. He is so easy and relaxed with young ones and he is a 17 year old. I am so proud of the man he is becoming.
Then my little sister arrived, rolled up her sleeves and helped to complete the meal for 10 people, one last minute extra when a little niece visiting with her family, asked if she could stay. We served the meal on time and were rewarded with smiles of satisfaction and empty plates. What more could a cook ask for?
We sat together and reminisced about our childhoods, retelling tales that made us all shake with laughter. My son and my niece were hungry for more - our story is their family history. All the idiosyncracies, quirks, eccentricities of a family of ten make some fascinating listening. It was so good to feel that connection between the three generations.
So tonight as I prepare for bed, I rejoice. I have so much to be grateful for. My heart is full and my soul is at peace.
Today was a very good day indeed.

1 comment:

Bum Atom said...

psychotherapist, I bet you see it all. anything insane, or cool out there in Scotland